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Support Us

The Maumee Senior Center is a registered non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We are partially funded by the City of Maumee and the Lucas County Senior Services Levy, administered through the Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio. Community and Center fundraisers take place periodically to support our many programs and services. There are no membership requirements, and donations to the Center are gratefully accepted.

How you can help...

There are five main ways to support MSC:

Become a Booster

Membership benefits include a special Booster dinner and member Holiday party at no cost to you.  Maumee Senior Center will contribute the suggested donation in honor of you for a Birthday lunch and you will receive discounts on special events.

Membership is $30/year.

To sign up, simply download our Booster form. Fill it out and turn it into the office with your $30 (cash or check).

Donate via PayPal

Make a tax deductible donation‏

in any amount to MSC by using the Donate button below. You will be routed to our PayPal account where you can have any monetary donation made on your behalf to our account.

Personal checks are welcome, too. Please mail it to:

MSC Fundraising,

2430 S. Detroit,

Maumee, OH 43557

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Shop at Krogers 

Kroger's Community Rewards members provides a small percentage of every sale to be donated to MSC. 


To participate:

  1. Get a bar code from our Outreach Department

  2. Stop at Kroger's Customer Service desk to sign up

  3. OR you may sign up online at Where you would enter 83909 when you sign up.

After you've signed up, every time you swipe your Kroger Plus Card, MSC will benefit from your purchase!

Walmart Wish List


MSC is registered with Walmart's Registry for Good Program. To see our wish list visit: good?q=Registry+for+Good

Type in Maumee Senior Center

Click either one of the two causes. 

You'll be able to purchase our wish list items right through the Walmart website.


Donate Your Time

We are always looking for

talented people to teach an activity, assist with fundraising or volunteer their time.  


If you're interest in donating your 

time or talent, please contact us

at 419-893-1994.

Volunteer positions/jobs are available and can easily fit your busy schedule.

However you choose to give,
we sincerely appreciate your donation.

Pictured below are some of the programs your donation helps us continue! 

Your Donations Are Working...

  • In 2013, we served less than 3,000 meals to seniors throughout the year

  • In 2014, the number grew to 3,560 meals served

  • By 2017 the numbers were at 6,177 meals served

  • During Covid in 2020, we served over 20,000 meals to the seniors of Maumee, Toledo and other cities and villages around us.

Thank You To Our Recent Sponsors!

Wright Financial Group, Maison-Dardenne-Walker Funeral Home,                  Genoa Bank,  Redwood Apartments

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